During Phase I, the Governance Research Team will:
- Facilitate constructive interactions between stakeholders and the research team
- Collect fuzzy cognitive maps, FCMs, from stakeholders and researchers to document their evolving perspectives on freshwater salinization
- Evaluate convergence of the stakeholders and research teams over time
- Facilitate collaborative governance through shared learning and deliberation with the goal of seeking consensus around stakeholder management of the Occoquan Reservoir salt budget
Participating Faculty
Senior Personnel, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
Co-Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech
Project Facilitator, CEO Policy Works, LLC
Co-Principal Investigator, Associate Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning, School of Public and International Affairs, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, CAUS, Virginia Tech
Participating Students
M.S. Candidate, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University
PhD Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech
PhD Candidate, School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University