Membership of the Executive Committee on the Occoquan Sewershed (ECOS) comprises about 40 professionals and activists in Northern Virginia and beyond with a deep interest and knowledge of the Occoquan Watershed, in particular, and the nation’s freshwater resources, in general. Members of the ECOS come from a broad range of water-related backgrounds, including water, wastewater and stormwater utilities, city and county governments, private research foundations, private consulting firms, property developers, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and regulators.
The ECOS interacts with the Governance Team and Biophysical Team through quarterly ECOS meetings. This two-way interaction includes direct interactions between the research and stakeholder teams during the ECOS meetings themselves (professionally facilitated by Kristin Rowles) and through public posts by ECOS members on research team products (published research articles and white papers).
These two forms of feedback are illustrated in the figure below, where the blue and green arrows are ECOS and research team activities, respectively, and the numbered black circles correspond to the quarterly ECOS meetings: